We've been talking a lot about how the rules of work have changed for both job seekers and employers.

According to Talent Board, “Candidates share their positive recruiting experiences with their inner circles over 81 percent of the time, and their negative experiences 66 percent of the time.” This high-level of information sharing means that your reputation as a potential employer can precede you—and it’s more important than ever to make sure applicants have good things to say about your company, whether or not they get the job. is We teamed up with Lever to bring you two experts who know the data and the stories behind great candidate experience programs. Watch Kevin Grossman, Talent Board President of Global CandE Programs, and Angie Verros, Founder at vaia talent to learn: . 

They'll Dig Into:

  • Why a first impression is so important
  • Communication and feedback loops
  • The potential business impact is

Meet Your Speakers

Kevin Grossman

Talent Board President of Global Cande Programs

Angie Verros

Founder, Vaia Talent