A perk for your employees.

A win for your company.

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Introducing Coach Connect For Business

Work with The Muse to cultivate resilient, committed teams with our Employee Career Coaching Program.

Support team members through change with our Outplacement options.

Invest in your team, build a strong brand, and retain top talent.

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Outplacement Coaching

We'll help you let go of employees with the care and support they need to keep thriving in their careers. Valuing them and their future builds bridges. Build a culture of success that goes beyond supporting teams.


Each individual will take an in-depth career questionnaire that will help us identify their individual coaching needs.


We'll carefully select the right coach for each individual, so they get the personalized guidance that fits their needs.


Each individual builds the confidence and skills to take the next step in their career, whether it be a new resume, updated LinkedIn profile, or interview strategy.

Outplacement Coaching
Participant Feedback

Participant Feedback

We truly see the impact of coaching when we read participant feedback.

“Words cannot describe how amazing Erica is and what an amazing job she did for my career! She did an outstanding job of helping me with my resume. My last interview went extremely well because my interviewer "could clearly see" my experience on my resume and they were impressed! I couldn't have landed the next interview without Erica's help!”
– Christina, Healthcare

“Olivia is amazing! She not only hears what you are saying, she listens to what you want and inserts what you need! Her advice is sound because she takes the time to explain why things need to be done in a particular way. She has given me the confidence to stand before any interview process any company could throw at me”.
– Stormie, Project Management

“Working with Matt was terrific. He was very honest and gave great insights into the hiring process. In addition, he greatly improved my resume and more importantly enhanced my resume building capabilities. Matt has past hiring manager experience, so he understands not only what hiring managers are looking for but also the best methods to get your foot in the door with them.”
– Jared, Consulting

Why Coaching Matters

Studies show that the best employees are attracted to growth opportunities. Be a company that truly invests in that, and you'll continue to grow your ability to hire and retain all-star employees.

Become known for your (awesome) growth opportunities.

  • 59% of job seekers say that learning and growth opportunities (i.e. coaching) is important to them as they evaluate if a new company could be a good fit
  • 69% of those who identify as Black or African American rate learning and growth as a most important factor among considerations for a new job.
  • 62% of women rate learning and growth as a most important factor among considerations for a new job.

Engage your employees. Retain top talent.

  • 62% of employed professionals choose to leave an organization because of lack of growth opportunities.
  • 20X When companies invest in leadership development, retention is 20x greater than at companies that don’t make this investment.
  • 400% high performers can deliver 400% more productivity than average performers.

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Why Coaching

Get in Touch

Fill out the below form to connect with Eloise Eonnet, Director of Coach Connect.